Llogarets de Sencelles
Every corner is special
The definition of ‘llogaret’ is that of a town that doesnt have its own town hall and therefore belongs to and is located within a district.
These small villages usually have few buildings and a very small number of streets, houses and residents.
In Sencelles, you can find the llogarets of Jornets, Ruberts and Cas Canà (Cascanar), old settlements of peasants and country people who worked on the large estates and whose vestiges survive to the present day, giving these small enclaves a very particular local, rural and picturesque character.
Ruberts is one of the most charming 'llogarets', located to the southeast of Sencelles, it formed part of the group of farmsteads that King James I 'The Conqueror' granted to the Roberts or Ruberts family, from Tarragona, for the services rendered during the conquest of Mallorca. The estate of Son Jordà, dating from the 16th century, is still the most important building in the area, where Mare de Déu del Carme's church, built in the 18th century, is located. Strolling along the main street until you reach the small square where the parish church is located is a pleasure that will take you back to the Mallorca of centuries ago, as the town has fully preserved its former appearance.La possessió de Son Jordà, datada en el s. XVI, sigue siendo la edificación más importante de la zona, ubicando en ella la iglesia de la Mare de Déu del Carme construida en el s. XVIII.
Pasear por la calle principal hasta llegar a la pequeña plaza donde se ubica la iglesia parroquial es un placer que te transportará a la Mallorca de siglos atrás, ya que la localidad conserva totalmente su fisonomía de antaño.
Jornets was declared in 2009, 'Bien de Interés Cultural' within the Historic Site by the Consell de Mallorca. It is located in the northeast of the district and its toponym comes from the Jornet family, owners of the land on which the current estate is located,which dates back to 1319. In 1578, Jornets consisted of four estates dedicated to agricultural cultivation. It has a 15th century farmhouse and Sant Josep's chapel, built in 1799. It was an urban centre of important wine production in the 18th century, which led to an increase in population, although phylloxera attacked the vineyards, causing a rural exodus. Nowadays, the estate offers local products such as 'Jornets' extra virgin olive oil, which has the 'Oli de Mallorca' Denomination of Origin.Actualmente, la finca ofrece productos locales como el aceite de oliva extra ‘Jornets’ que cuenta con la Denominación de Origen Oli de Mallorca.
Cas Canà or Cascanar, has evidence of its origins in prehistoric times thanks to various archaeological sites: the pre-Talayotic caves of Can Garau, the talayot of Ses Talaies de Can Xim, and the Talayotic and Roman necropolis, now disappeared and known as 'Cementeri dels Moros'. During the 13th and 14th centuries, there were three large country estates that were later divided to form the current nucleus in which the houses of Can Romanyà, Can Garau and Can Riera predominate.
Laiar, located two kilometres from Sencelles, was granted to Gastó Montcada, Viscount of Bearn, after the conquest. Between the 16th and 19th centuries, the predominant family was Raió de Laiar. In 1578, it had two country estates, a shed and seven houses, of which the most important are: Can Raió, Can Castell and Can Ribes.
The Binifuell Llogaret was an Islamic farmhouse. It is made up of a group of houses in which the houses of Son Batle and Son Prim and the well located on the same path that gives its name to the llogaret stand out.
Biniferrí is a llogaret located on the road that connects Sencelles with Inca (Ma 3120), formed by various possessions such as the Biniferrí possessió, which gives its name to the entire llogaret, those of Son Llucià, Son Aloi and Son Verd, and the houses around the possessions.